Friday, April 9, 2010

A matter of Life and Death

Last weekend was Easter Sunday and if I had no Christian religious affiliation I would still know this by the amount of death/resurrection talk that has been happening among my preschoolers this week.
I will mainly focus on Lauren and her understanding of what will happen in the future.
Lauren: Teacher, did you know in a lot of days I will die?
Teacher: Um, I guess but not for a lot and LOT of days Lauren.
Lauren: Yes but in a lot of days I will die. Teacher did you know that in a lot of
days you will die too?
Teacher: Yes I know but it won't be for a long LONG time.
Lauren: In a lotta days when I die, when I am done being dead I will be resurrected!
Teacher: Okay.
Lauren: When I am done being dead, yes I will be done.

Lauren:(to another child in the class)Clara, did you know in a lotta days I will die and be resurrected?
Clara: (blank stare with no comment)
Lauren: . . . and in a lotta days teacher will die and be resurrected!
Clara:(eyes widen in fear and mouth begins to hang open)
Lauren: Oh yes in a lotta days you will die too and be resurrected.
Clara:(gulp!) Teacher!?!?!
Teacher: What's the matter Clara?
Clara: Lauren says you are gonna die!Then she said that I am gonna die!
Lauren: It its! We all die and then be resurrected.
Teacher: Lauren please don't tell people they are going to die, It's kinda scary and they don't like it.
Lauren: Okay but it is true. I will die in a lotta days and be resurrected. . . .(singing in a loud, very dramatic, opera voice) FOREVER!!!!!

Lauren: Teacher where are your fish?
Teacher: They died awhile ago, I've gotta go to the pet store and get more.
Lauren: They died?
Teacher: Yes they did.
Jayden: How did they die?
Teacher: One just died buddy and the other one jumped outta the bowl and into the sink.
Jayden: Oh, You need to get more.
Lauren: The fish are dead.
Teacher: Uh-huh
Lauren: Did you flush them down the toilet?
Teacher: (chuckling) Why yes I did.
Lauren: Did they go to Heaven?
Teacher: Yes they did. All fish go to heaven!
Lauren: Will they be resurrected?
Teacher: I really don't know. . . I don't know about that and fish. . . um, okay. . . let's go outside!!!!

I wasn't lying. I really don't know what the protocol is for fish in the millenium. Any thoughts???

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